Caricatures/Character Designs

Image reference from ( I use quite lot this site for picture reference ).

Here is the another anthropomorphic character from my sketchbook. Instead of scanning I used my Mac Photo-booth to take the snap and colour it in Art rage.

Sometime I 'll go to the nearest beach _Redcar with my wife.
This weekend I went alone to draw as she went away for work. Seaside is always a good place for life drawing. I did about 10 drawings this time. This is one among them. I thought I will share with you guys.
I have got inspired by short stories of Krishna to make this illustration.
I spent about 30 mins in Corel painter to do this

This Acrylic/pen illustration have done for our University staff's exhibition ; which was held at the beginning of this year.

I was flipping through my old sketch book and I found this illustration I did during my university time. I did color in Art rage.

Here is one of the character I did yesterday . I was just sketching this character and start thinking to develop a story out of it. This abandoned elephant comes in the city and make friendship with a pizza delivery boy who was looking for an assistant and finally the elephant start helping him out... their adventure starts and soon they become famous in the place.....something like that .

This is a character I did when I was in final year Character animation. I am just posting it to remember that old days....

This acrylic/pen work have done beginning of this year for of my friend .

I have just found this unfinished illustration from my hard disk. I think it need more tweaks especially the hands and shoes. I used to do this kind of design quite a lot.
Those minute details takes ages to finish. What you guys think of this style?
Comments are always welcome.

This is one of my old caricature which i have done when I was in Teesside university back in 2005.
Can't remember this person . The paper texture gives more interesting result when you use dry brush.

This is my friend Chris williams. Director of Animex film festival and my lecturer while I was a student in Teesside university back in 2006.

This is the Caricature of my brother -in -law- Michael. He is a producer , Script writer more over a nice , lively and funny guy. I did this for his 28th birthday. I hope he like it.

This is Tina's friend. I drew this caricature within 10 minutes in ''Art rage''.
I like Art rage programme . Its simple , very easy to pickup the tools. I recommend this programme to any artists who is in to digital painting / drawing. They introduced some cool brushes( Watr color effect is my fav. ) in new version and it costs only very few quids... Check this site out
Art Rage
