concept design

Mr.Fern - Ideation

This is my new concept design for Game/movie. Started from scanned rough sketch.
I thought its better to leave that fluorescent green to reveal the silhouettes . I added white egg at the end. I thought the robot itself looks like a spider so it would be nice to add some realistic / scary touch to this creatures. You can say its like Spider eggs....
The idea is , these robots approaching the city and throws their eggs from miles away.
A productive day . Wouldn't you agree ?

My another concept design. I got this inspiration from ''Mahabharatha'' , One of the main epics of India. Reading stories( Fantasies ) gives lots of idea for concept art.

Its almost 12'o clock now..Feeling very sleepy ..Bye for now.

This concept design I did 2 years ago. Added some texture layer in PS to get more rough look..

I have just finished my new picture in Coral Paint. Took around 1.30 hours to finish. Any comments would be appreciated.